How we give back

At Alyssum and Co. we are very passionate about helping others in any way we can. When I started this online boutique I wanted it to be more than just selling clothes. I wanted to help others in some way shape or form. 


About once a quarter we choose a charity or organization that we are going to donate 10% of all our sales to. This is backed by our no strings attached policy.

Our no strings attached policy is us guaranteeing that we will donate 10% of ALL sales no matter the day of the week or the time of the year. Our mission is to be the light of the world and this is how we feel that we can do that.


Right now we are donating to the charity called Locks of Love. This is a charity that I have been passionate about since I was in the 3rd grade. They collect hair and create hair pieces and wigs for children who have lost their hair due to medical reasons. I have loved supporting this organization by donating my hair a few times throughout my life. 


Just know when you shop my small business you are helping make a difference in this world 💞


If you want to learn more about Locks of Love you can visit their website 

If you would like to donate to this charity you can visit their donation page